Active and Healthy Constitution


Date of adoption: 22nd August 2018


Introductory provisions


  1. special resolution means a resolution that is passed at a general meeting (including the annual general meeting) by the votes of at least 75% of the members who are present and voting;


1.2.     Name


Objects and powers


2.2.     Powers



  1. Ordinary:
    1. ordinary members must be an individual at least 18 years of age or a legal entity and must support the objects of the association and abide by the association’s bylaws and codes of conduct;
    2. ordinary members are entitled to vote at general meetings of the association;
  1. fees payable by an ordinary member can be waived or discounted by the management


  1. Partner:
    1. partner members must be a legal entity that supports the objects of the association and abides by the association’s bylaws and codes of conduct;
    2. partner members must attend at least 60% of the associations bi-monthly networking meeting in any calendar year;
  1. fees payable by a partner member can be waived or discounted by the management


  1. Network Partner:
    1. network partner members must be a legal entity that supports the objects, bylaws and codes of conduct of the association and must be deemed by the board to be of value to the association in pursuance of its objects;
    2. network partner members do not apply for membership. The management committee bestows membership upon network partner members;
  1. network partner members are not eligible for election to the board of the association;
  2. fees payable by a network partner member can be waived or discounted by the




  1. Life:
    1. life members must be an individual at least 18 years of age or a legal entity and must support the objects of the association and abide by the association’s bylaws and codes of conduct;
    2. life membership is open to persons who have rendered extraordinary and meritorious service to the association for a period of at least 10 years;
  1. recommendations for life membership must be in writing, signed by the member(s) making the recommendation and received by the secretary of the association no less than 14 days prior to the annual general meeting;
  2. on the management committee’s approval of the recommendation, the management committee will propose the nominee for election as a life member at the annual general meeting;
  3. life members must be elected by the passing of a special resolution;
  1. life members are not required to pay membership fees to the association.
  1. Honorary:
    1. honorary members must support the objects of the association and abide by the association’s bylaws and codes of conduct and must be deemed by the management committee to be of value to the association in pursuance of its objects;
    2. honorary members do not apply for membership. The management committee bestows membership upon honorary members;
  1. honorary members are not eligible for election to the management committee;
  2. honorary members are not required to pay membership fees to the


3.2.     New membership


3.3.     Membership fees


3.4.     Admission and rejection of new members

3.5.     When membership ends

  1. give the member a full and fair opportunity to make verbal representations at a meeting as mentioned in rule 3.5.4.b;
  2. give due consideration to any written representations submitted to the committee by the member at or before the meeting mentioned in rule 3.5.4.b.

3.6.     Appeal against rejection, termination or suspension of membership


3.7.     General meeting to decide appeal


3.8.     Register of members


3.9.     Prohibition on use of information on register of members




committee, the person becomes a member of the management committee.


4.2.     Removal of secretary


4.3.     Functions of secretary


5.    Management committee



5.2.     Electing the management committee

the candidate is not approved, nominations for the position may be taken from the floor of the meeting;

  1. if, at the start of the annual general meeting, there are no candidates nominated for any position, nominations for that position may be taken from the floor of the


5.3.     Resignation, removal or vacation of office of management committee member


5.4.     Vacancies on management committee


5.5.     Functions of management committee

Note: The Act prevails if the association’s rules are inconsistent with the Act; see section 1B of the Act.

  1. to secure the amounts mentioned in rule 5.5.4(a) or the payment or performance of any debt, liability, contract, guarantee or other engagement incurred or to be entered into by the association in any way, including by the issue of debentures (perpetual or otherwise) charged upon the whole or part of the association’s property, both present and future; and
  2. to purchase, redeem or pay off any securities issued; and
  3. to borrow amounts from members and pay interest on the amounts borrowed; and
  4. to mortgage or charge the whole or part of its property; and
  5. to issue debentures and other securities, whether outright or as security for any debt, liability or obligation of the association; and
  6. to provide and pay off any securities issued; and
  7. to invest in a way the members of the association may


5.6.     Meetings of management committee

does have an interest in the contract or proposed contract, the interest must be declared and the member must not participate in discussion or debate about the contract or proposed contract.


5.7.     Quorum for, and adjournment of, management committee meeting


5.8.     Special meeting of management committee


5.9.     Minutes of management committee meetings


5.10.             Delegation

5.11.   Appointment of subcommittees


5.12.   Acts not affected by defects or disqualifications


5.13.   Resolutions of management committee without meeting



Meetings of members


6.2.     Business to be conducted at annual general meeting


6.3.     Business to be conducted at annual general meeting of other level 2 incorporated associations


6.4.     Business to be conducted at annual general meeting of other level 3 incorporated associations


6.5.     Notice of general meeting


6.6.     Quorum for, and adjournment of, general meeting


6.7.     Procedure at general meeting



6.8.     Voting at general meeting


6.9.     Special general meeting

the management committee when the request is signed plus one; or

  1. being given a written notice of an intention to appeal against the decision of the management committee:


6.10.   Proxies

Active and Healthy Alliance Gold Coast Inc.:

I,                                   of ,                               being

a member of the association, appoint                         of                                

as my proxy to vote for me on my behalf at the (annual) general meeting of the association, to be held on the                         day of                          20         and at any adjournment of the meeting.

Signed this                     day of                                      20



Active and Healthy Alliance Gold Coast Inc.:

I,                                   of ,                               being

a member of the association, appoint                         of                                

as my proxy to vote for me on my behalf at the (annual) general meeting of the association, to be held on the                         day of                          20         and at any adjournment of the meeting.

Signed this                     day of                                      20                  Signature                                                 

This form is to be used *in favour of/*against [strike out whichever is not wanted] the following resolutions:

[List relevant resolutions]


6.11.   Minutes of general meetings


7.    Rules and bylaws

7.1.     Bylaws


7.2.     Alteration of rules


7.3.     Common seal




8.1.     Funds and accounts

  1. any one of three other members of the association who have been authorised by the management committee to sign cheques issued by the


8.2.     General financial matters


8.3.     Documents


8.4.     Financial year


8.5.     Distribution of surplus assets to another entity

  1. having objects similar to the association’s objects; and
  2. the rules of which prohibit the distribution of the entity’s income and assets to its

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